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Are you a Joysy person?

A Joysy person loves clean ingredients, keeps a positive mindset, and will spread a little joy wherever they go. Is this you? Join the Joysy Community by dropping your email below!

Founders and Creators of Joysy Says

Meet Dave and Nancy

During the pandemic, Dave and Nancy started a podcast. It proved to be quite popular, but more than anything, they noticed how they brought together a community that wanted to be their best. This community wanted to be healthy, take care of their families, strive for the best life could offer. When they went back to their 9-5 jobs, Dave as an engineer and Nancy as a dentist, they felt like they were missing something. They missed the community. They wanted to spread the positivity even more. What do we use every day that will deliver the positive message and let the user know, "we got you...we see you and you're giving it all you got"? Body care. Let's put inspiring messages, intentional messages, and put everyone in a growth mindset every time they use our products. Oh, and they need to be clean and pure because we don't believe in junk. Joysy was born. And what a fun ride it's been!